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If you want to have fun, here you can find everything you want to. Videos, games, jokes and more funny sillithings. You can give your opinion about my blog in the survey and tell other jokes if you want to. If you want me to put a new game, tell me in a comment and I will put it... or not. Thanks for visit my blog. Jokes in English soon.

¡Hola! Si te quieres divertir aquí vas a encontrar todo lo que quieras. Vídeos, juegos, chistes y más tonterias. Puedes dar tu opinión sobre mi blog en la encuesta o contar chistes tú tambien si quieres. Puedes decirme en un comentario que quieres que ponga un juego nuevo y lo pondré... o no. Gracias por visitar mi blog.

Todos mis records

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Atiza al mono : 399 kms.
La patata : 2 minutos y 8 segundos.
Papel higienico : 40 segundos y 36 centésimas.
30 minijuegos : 243 segundos.
Pedos : 3590 puntos.

Otra cosa, si juegas en el bruto, lucha contra 88.888,¡ intenta ganarle!

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

Survey about the importance of English in the word

Please, give your opinion and write in a comment the answers.

Age:                     Nationality:

1. Taking into account that there are more people who speak Spanish and Chinese than English, which one do you consider it should be the international language?
a) Spanish
b) English
c) Chinese

2. Do you think it is necessary to speak English fluency at work?
a) Yes, I do.
b) No, I don't.
c) It depends on the job.

3.Which one do you think it is the rank of importance of English in your country?
a) Really important.
b) Important.
c) Unnecessary.

4. When was English introduced  in your country?

   Why was English introduced in your country?
a) The necessity of having a second language to communicate with other countries.
b) To be a more developed country.

5. When did English begin to be introduced at education?

6. When do children start to learn English?

7. Are there bilingual schools in your country?

8. Which level of English is required at:
a) University
b) Work
c) Teaching

9. What types of exams are offered to achieve these levels?
a) Cambridge Exams.
b) Trinity College.
c) Official Language Schools.
d) Others (specify them).

10. Are English/ American  films subtitled or dubbed in your country?
a) English films are subtitled.
b) They are dubbed into my language.
c) Some films are, some others aren't.

11. Do you agree that scientific works or shared interest articles are
 translated into English to be published?
a) Yes, I do. They must be understood by everybody.
b) No, I don't. They must be published in their original language.
c) No, I don't. They must be published into Spanish.

12. What do you think it would happen if we stopped using English as a second language?
a) The communication among countries would be more difficult.
b) Globalization would finish.
c) We would opt for another language.
d) Nothing would change, everything would be the same.

13. Does the International economy depend on a second language such as English? For intance, how would International purchases be without a common language (English)?
a) It really depends. It would be much more complicated.
b) It depends. It would be impossible.
c) It does not depend. Nothing would change.

Thanks to everybody who has given his or her opinion!!!

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